The Computer Museum was founded by Ken Olsen and Gordon and Gwen Bell in 1975. The first exhibit was in a converted closet at
     Digital Equipment Corporation. In 1979 it officially became an exhibition site operated by DEC in Marlboro,
   Massachusetts. It opened to the public in 1984 when the museum was moved to downtown Boston. In 1998, the
     museum was relocated to Silicon Valley and has been reborn as the current Computer History Museum in
     Mountain View, California. Read Gordon’s story of The Computer Museum’s evolution here.

     The Computer Museum's mission was three-fold: (1) To educate and inspire all ages and levels of the public
through dynamic exhibitions and programs on the technology, applications and impact of computers. (2) To
preserve and celebrate the history and promote the understanding of computers worldwide. (3) To be an
international resource for research into the history of computing.

     View The Computer Museum timeline here.

     View Gordon's click-by-click tour of the TCM website here.

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Webpage by Victoria Rozycki | Updated: February 2015